Monday, May 17, 2010

Architecture of the 1900s

Victorian Architecture - This period in architecture was not exactly considered a style, but more so a period. This period dated from circa 1840-1900. During this time the industrial revolution had much influence on architectural style; there are many different styles, each with its own varied details. Types of styles ranged variously: Gothic Revival, Victorian Italianate, Second Empire of Mandard, etc.

Frank Lloyd Wright - Wright revolutionized American architecture. He believed that American style and tradition should stay with itself; and not base its designs on European architecture or other influences. Wright's deisgns were very unique; many were not painted and blended in with nature. Eventually Wright's innovative techniques and styles spread overseas and his ideas became known worldwide.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Music of the 1900's

Music in the 1900's was influenced by upcoming modern styles. these included many operas, symphonies, and soloists. Some of the more popular operas included Madama Butterfly and Tosca by Giacomo Puccini, and The Merry Widow by Franz Lahar. Operas during the early 1900's was headed in a modern direction with many changes being made to the traditional art thast it was. Operas began to shrink in size and have one act to cut back on costs.

Just as operas were decreasing in size, so were symphonies. Being unable to afford the large string orchestras with bountiful musicians, symphonies altered their style to prepare for the modern world. With more compact sizes, as few as 25 musicians, symphonies still stayed extremely popular and were now more affordable. Some well known from the time period include Asrael by Josef Suk, and Symphony No. 2 by Elgar.

Solo artists became big during the time era with names such as Vladimir Horowitz, and Claude Debussy, solo was often the way to go. Most artists, such as Debussy himself, were also composers who wrote their own music.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Art in the 1900s

In 1907 - 1911, cubism reached its peak in popularity, mainly in France. In cubism shapes are broken up, analyzed and rearranged in an abstract form. The main initiators of the cubist movement were Picasso, and Braque, who were advised by Paul Cézanne to treat nature in geometric terms. There were 3 phases in the development of Cubism: Facet Cubism, Analytic Cubism, and Synthetic Cubism. Some say Cubism helped pave the way to modern art, while this movement lasted it eventually evolved into its own separate branches and ideals.

Before Cubism, approximately 1901-1906 one of the main initiators of modern art was Fauvism. The main artists of this period were Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Cézanne. These artists helped pave the way to modern art by radicalizing it, with new ideas and completely new styles of art, far different that what was the considered "norm." This movement reached its peak mainly in Paris and while it was short lived it changed art dramatically.

The Times: Europe and America during this time was going through much change that could of possibly affected art during the decade. Feats like the Wright brothers first flight, Henry Ford's Model-T. Though it faced many difficulties as well such as the San Francisco Earthquake, the Boxer Rebellion.

Pictures courtesy of


Cubism Video:

Fauvist Video:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Background on the 1900's

In the 1900's they used phonographs to play records. In 1901 an electric type was invented. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," was written by L. Frank Banm. The first theaters were in California in 1902. The first car and air plane was invented in 1903. The brownie Camera was also invented during this decade, along with radio broadcasts. The first world series was in 1903. The anwsering machine also was invented. Animated cartoons were invented. Teddy Roosevelt was the president. The first Silent movie was also produced: The Great Train Robbery. New York subway stations were created. The group NAACP was found. Plastic was invinted. The Model T car, which is the car in the picture above, was invented by Henery Ford. Ping pong was also invented. In the cars they were a form of art through the shape and colors on it. The theaters were a moving picture something.

The paintings during this time would be Impressionism and post impression. Some painters/artist would include: Paul Cèzanne, paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Pablo Picaso, pierre Auguste Renoir, Menri Toulouse-Lautrec, Vincent Van Gough, and Georges Seiral. The picture to the right is "The Bridge" painted by Claude Monet.